
Campionatul National de sala de Tir cu Arcul PDF Imprimare Email
Joi, 17 Februarie 2011 08:09

Campionatul National de sala de Tir cu Arcul are loc la Baza Olimpica Izvorani intre 18 si 20 febr.


Federatia Romana de Tir cu Arcul va invita sa participati la CAMPIONATUL NATIONAL INDOOR, care se va desfasura la COMPLEXUL OLIMPIC “SYDNEY 2000” Izvorani, in perioada 18 – 20 februarie 2011. Competitia este organizata pentru Seniori si Juniori, masculin si feminin, la urmatoarele divizii de arc:
• Arc olimpic (O)
• Arc compound (C)
• Arc traditional ;
Vineri, 18 februarie incepand cu ora 16 va avea loc antrenamentul oficial, sambata, 19 februarie vor fi probele de calificare ale campionatului si primele probe de eliminatorii, pentru ca duminica, 20 februarie sa se decida marii finalisti.


Tirul cu arcul este un spor nobil, cerebral dar si de anduranta, tinand cont de durata unei competitii si de nivelul ridicat al stresului si al efortului din timpul concursului.

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Campionatul National de Karate-Do PDF Imprimare Email
Marţi, 08 Februarie 2011 12:03

Campionatul National de Karate-Do  -

pentru Copii, Minicadeţi, Cadeţi, Juniori, Seniori şi Veterani

versiunea WUKO - " World Union of  Karate-Do Organizations", Oradea 05 februarie 2011


La sfârşitul acestui weekend  Joi, Vineri şi inclusiv Sâmbătă s-a desfăşurat la Oradea, Cursul Naţional de Perfecţionare pentru arbitri în Karate-Do prin intermediul CNKDASP-Comisiei Naţionale de Karate şi Discipline Asociate a Sportului Preuniversitar din Cadrul Ministerului Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului.




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Vineri, 04 Februarie 2011 17:49

         In  perioada  11-13 FEBRUARY 2011   se   desfasoara   la  NOVI SAD - SERBIA    Campionatul  European  de  Karate  EKF



WKF Premier League [karate1] PDF Imprimare Email
Luni, 03 Ianuarie 2011 08:40

        The WKF Premier League- karate1 is a reality.

     The project comprises up to 10 competitions yearly starting with the first competition in Paris in January 2011. It is the first time that WKF organizes competition with prize money for the winners and additionally the karate 1 big winner of the year per category who will be coming from the ranking list existing in each WKF competition from now.

This announcement had the total acceptance of all karateka world-wide as this will give them the opportunity to participate in the WKF Premier League with up to 10 competitions per year. From the one WKF event celebrated once a year, this new programme will automatically raise the number of WKF events to eleven per year allowing the participation of all competitors interested and not just the elite of karate as it was the case until now with the World Championships.


    This new competitive reality will be also be completed by the Masters' Cup in which the 8 best athletes of the world will be competing in an open category in 3 yearly competitions in order to have the best of the best. The WKF President stated the following in relation with the new competition announcements.

"The Premier League-Karate 1 is the Formula 1 of Karate. When this project is complete will have 10 competitions in a year giving the possibility to many good karateka in the world to take part in the best events after the World Championships. The new series of WKF competition activities will be complemented by the Master's Cup with the 8 best karateka of the world competing in an open category in 3 events per year to declare the best of the best".


  Inscieri on line  : www.sportdata.org/karate1  , Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza

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